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A Home for Crafts and A Home for Food

This month I set up two new blogs for myself: A Home for Crafts and A Home for Food.
On A Home for Crafts I blog about Cricut cutting files, felt, sewing, gift wrap, seasonal crafts and hand crafting everyday items.
On A Home for Food I blog about healthy food that is grain free and made without refined sugar. In addition to this, you will find ingredients like these:
Vegetables and fruits generally accepted as vegetables
Green peas and green beans
Herbs and spices
Fruits and berries
Coconut: oil, water, milk, butter, flour, shredded etc.
Olive oil, lard, butter and ghee
Heavy whipping cream
Seeds and Nuts
Eggs and meat
Goat cheese
Coconut sugar, maple syrup, honey
But not these:
Not enthusiastic about
Grains (wheat, corn, rice, millet, barley, quinoa etc)
Sugar, organic sugar, brown sugar, molasses, agave etc except above
Milk, cow cheese and other dairy except above
‘Diet’ or low fat
Legumes (beans, peanuts, lentils) except above
Heated vegetable oils from seeds
Cake and other mixes
Candy from the store
Artificial food dye
Visit: A Home for Food
Visit. A Home for Crafts
This article: A Home for Crafts and A Home for Food first appeared on katjakromann.com