Katja Kromann Portfolio

Web / Branding

My portfolio has a brand new look and lots of new content

My portfolio has a brand new look and lots of new content

My portfolio has received a major overhaul. Long overdue.

Before, I only posted about Web /branding. Now I have added several other works to this site:

Prints, Photography (portraits), Art, Home Design, Crafts, Food and UI / UX Design.

I have added some examples of each kind of design. Here are some of them. Or, you know, you can click around on the site too.

I added an about page where you can read about how I got started with design and how I got to where I am now:

KK About

I added a portfolio with drawings and paintings I have made:

KK Art

And I added some photography. I love to photograph people.

KK Photography

I also added examples from my three blogs: A Home for Design, A Home for Food and A Home for Crafts.

KK site

This article: My portfolio has a brand new look and lots of new content first appeared on katjakromann.com