Katja Kromann Portfolio

Web / Branding

Mrs Piggys Trend website and design

Mrs Piggys Trend website and design
My involvement in this project was:

  • Logo re-design

  • Web design including integration of Etsy shopping site

  • Model and Product photography

  • Background graphics design

  • Price tag design pring and clothing label design

  • Businesscards and ad Postcards design and print

  • Web ad

I re-designed the logo by drawing a new face for the pig, a new font style for the name and converting everything into vector graphic. That way the client can later have the logo printed at any size - for instance banners for conventions etc.


I created a flash from my model photoshoot for the front page and all the background graphics and designed and set up the website. I also set up an Etsy Shop,


photographed all the products and integrated it into the website.


I designed the clothing label to be ironed on linnen and ribbon and sewn into or onto the garments as well as a price tag to be attached with string and a safety pin.


I created business cards and ad postcards to be placed at brick and mortar store consignment shops and for general advertisement:


I created a web ad to be placed as advertisement on other blogs etc.


This article: Mrs Piggys Trend website and design first appeared on katjakromann.com